Deviant Love on Opera/IE/Safari/iOS/Android?

3 min read

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PixievoltNo1's avatar
Deviant Love is an idea that many deviants fall in love with when they hear of it, and want to try it out. I do my best to accommodate as many of them as I can, within reason.

Unfortunately, I must regrettably inform Opera users that, after thoroughly reviewing the Opera extension API, I have cancelled the planned port of Deviant Love to Opera. (The basic problem is that Opera only allows an extension to display its own pages under a set of specific cases, and they are all user-activated cases with no allowance for being extension-activated.) (Update: If I understand Opera 14 correctly, it will run Deviant Love without my having to do anything. Welp.)

However, if you want to try Deviant Love but don't use Firefox or Chrome, there is a way outside of extensions that Deviant Love can be brought to you - it can be made a Web app. It wouldn't be quite as elegant as the extensions (you would have to enter a deviant's name instead of simply visiting their Faves page, all communication with deviantART would have to be routed through my server, possibly other hackish things) but it would get you what you want very nicely, and even work on your smartphone. However, such an app would involve a considerable amount of extra effort on my part, so to make this happen, I want to know that it would be used. Let me hear you in the comments!

In the meantime, I'd like to note that Firefox and Chrome are easy to install and easy to get started with. ;)

Skin made by PixievoltNo1
with love ♥
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